【课程目的】Course Objectives
Through this course, students will be able to
Familiar with the composition of three tables
(Balance Sheet, Profit and losssheet, cash flow statement)
How to know the cost structurethrough the P/L sheet
How to evaluate a company through the balance sheet
How to use financial data for purchasing decisions
【课程大纲】Course Outline
How toquickly read and analyze financial statements of a suppliers
财务的基本概念 The basic concepts of financial
会计的基本六要素six basic elements of the accounting
What is the difference between management accounting and financial accounting
Why is that management accounting has a relationship with each person
权责发生制和收付实现制accrual and cash basis
会计恒等式accounting equation
财务报表体系 financial reporting system
财务报表的构成 The composition of the financial statements
财务报表之间的关系The relationship between the financial statements
How toknow a company through three financial tables
资产负债表 What is the Balance Sheet
资产负债表的结构和主要内容 balance sheet structure and main contents
解读资产负债表 How to understanda balance sheet of supplier
损益表 Profit and loss sheet
损益表的结构与主要内容 Thestructure and main contents of profit and loss account
利润是如何形成的 How profits are formed
解读利润表Understanding the income statement
现金流量表 Cash Flow Statement
现金流量表的结构与主要内容structureand main contents of the cash flow statement
解读现金流量表 Interpretation of Cash Flow Statement
企业利润和现金流的关relationshipbetween profits and cash flow
现金流 Whatis the Cash Flow
现金流平衡Cash flow balance
实例Case Study
How to understand a company’s cost structure through the incomestatement
公司利润的形成Whereis the company profits come from
公司利润表运行机理 the company running mechanism of the income statement
总经理关注哪些要素What are the elements of concern,general manager
manufacturing costs, sales and general administrative expenses
cost of sales and service sectors:Procurement costs, labor costs and expenses for the period
controllableand uncontrollable cost
? 设备能源消耗的成本:期间费用
Thecost of energy consumption: expensesfor the period
生产主料的成本:材料成本Production costs Ingredients: material costs
员工的报酬:人工成本employee compensation: labor costs
Study materials cost, labor costs and period costs by industry
实例Case Study
? 材料费核算实例materials accounting
人工费核算实例 labor costs accounting
制造费核算实例manufacturing cost accounting
销售及一般管理费实例sales and general management experiences
How to promotion capacity by ratio analysis inbalance sheet
偿债能力分析 Analysisof solvency
资产负债率 asset-liability ratio
流动比率/速动比率 CurrentRatio / Quick Ratio
营运能力分析 Analysisof operating capacity
应收账款周转率Accountsreceivable turnover
存货周转率 Inventory Turnover
应付账款周转率AccountsPayable Turnover
现金周转率 cash flow ratio
获利能力分析Profitability Analysis ROS, ROA, ROE
资产收益率Return on assets
实例Case study
五、如何用财务数据进行决策 Howto use financial data formaking a decisions
自制外购决策outsourcing decisions made
购买租赁决策 buying and renting decisions
如何确定内部转移价格 How to determine the internal transfer price
分摊与折旧sharing and depreciation
量本利分析 Analysis of the amount of principal and interest
共同费用的分摊 Sharing common costs
盈亏平衡分析break-even analysis
How touse break-even analysis for the procurement decision-making
ABC 作业成本分析法ABC analysis
敏感度分析sensitivity analysis
How to use the purchase price sensitivity analysis
供应商现金折扣政策cash discount policy of supplier
税和发票管理 tax and invoice management
增值税的计算和抵扣 value-added tax calculations
IRR内部投资回报率IRRn internal rate of return on investment
TCO总成本Total cost of ownership
实例Case study
Enterprise budget management and procurement budget
预算的重要性和原则The importance and principles of the budget
Relations between each department, each employee and budget : full participation
? 怎样编制预算 How to budget
零基预算 zero-base budget
滚动预算rolling budget
弹性预算 Flexible Budget
budget tracking and control: before, during, after
keypoints of control costs using the budget
target cost and standard cost in the budget management
实例Case study